polyphony problems in a drumtrack

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This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years ago.

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    Avatar of Citric

    i don’t know if i done something wrong but i tryed to programm a drum sequence on a tack. how many notes can i play , or what is the polyphony of a drum track?

    i had a strange thing. i had 4 instruments asighned.
    and when i had 2 dif. instruments on the same step i just can hear only one. is this right or i m wrong?

    like this


    i hear from the first row all 4 hits
    i hear from the secon row the third and forth hit but no one and three. No Mutes all fine.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Citric Acid, the polyphony of a drum track is (all) 16 notes at the same time.
    There is no limit to the simultaneous notes that the drumtrack produces (up to 16).

    I´ve just tried this out with the Acidlab Miami and can trigger all of it´s 12 sounds at once.

    What drum machine/expander are you using? Have you tried looking at it with a midi monitor, to verify all notes are being generated from the Zaquencer?

    Avatar of Citric

    hi Christian,

    thanks for your replay.

    I think i must do something wrong.
    I used a cheap MFB Kult Drummer. I can try a other one, i have a lot of test victims.

    I think i have to try it again. sorry is a new way of drum sequencing. I think i have not understand your concept …. have to read the manual again ….

    Avatar of Christian

    Ok, please keep me posted on this.

    If you haven´t seen it before, maybe this can help you as well with the drums:
    The paragraph starting with “To create a drum track…”

    Avatar of Lex

    Hello Christian,

    Since yesterday I have been having EXACTLY the same problem as Citric had.
    It had been working great for months before this happened.
    I have tried a reset: not working.
    Could Citric be contacted and tell me what he’s done to make it work again ?
    Thanks in advance, Lex

    Avatar of Citric

    Hi Lex, i havent try it after my issues. I will try it again. let you know whats happen.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Lex,
    can you please provide me with more info on this?

    - What drum machine/expander are you using?
    - Have you tried looking at it with a midi monitor, to verify all notes are being generated from the Zaquencer?

    Citric, I´m also interested to hear if you´re still experiencing the problem.


    Avatar of Citric

    For me it works now perfect. i used a other empty patch. then i started it like on the link for the startup and set up the drums. and what should i say it works. i tryed it fith the first firmware but now i have the second and i must say perfect. thanks for the help.

    Avatar of Lex

    Thanks Citric and Christian for your response, and:
    I FOUND IT !!!
    It was a dying usb-interface. So, problem solved ! :)
    Thanks again, Lex

    Avatar of Christian

    Great to hear you´ve found it and thanks for the update!

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