Greetings Fellow Zaquencer Devotees,
I recently purchased a used BCR2000 for the sole purpose of converting it to a Zaquencer. I initially loaded the demo to check out the functionality of the encoders (didn’t want to install the full version on faulty hardware). Everything worked fine so I purchased the full version and loaded it up. To my surprise, after installing the full version, some of the encoders moved very slowly. Some of them would require 4 or 5 spins just to increment or decrement the value by one.
I’ve run into this before with other electronic devices so figured it might well be a symptom of dirty contacts within the encoders. After powering off the unit and unplugging it, I applied a liberal amount of contact cleaner (I use Caig’s Deoxit) and worked each encoder to help break loose whatever was clogging the contacts. After spraying the encoders out with compressed air, I reconnected the unit, turned it back and viola, all encoders now work perfectly!
I’d hate for anyone to damage their unit so please be sure to use a cleaner rated for electronics, make sure you power off the unit and unplug it, and be careful to restrict the cleaner to the encoders. I was not able to gain direct access to the encoders so I directed the cleaner in at the base of each knob. Again, your results may vary, and there are no guarantees but it did work for me.
Good luck and happy zaquencing!