post-BCR Zaquencer….

Home Forums Feature Wishlist post-BCR Zaquencer….

This topic contains 16 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of othermonkey

    Zaquencer is great, much better than the BCR’s shitty encoders are worth!

    So.. what happens when BCR’s begin to break, or become unavailable? Or what happens when we’re tired of the annoying encoders?

    Is there another similar hardware, maybe open-source, or ways to improve the BCR2000 from a hardware standpoint, that will work with Zaquencer in the future?

    The BCR2000 is just so delicate. Would be great if there was a Heavy Duty version.

    Thoughts on this? I want to have a long-term relationship with Zaquencer, possibly multiple Zaquencers. I’m just afraid of how cheaply this BCR is designed.

    Avatar of alien_brain
    Avatar of othermonkey

    sweet! hope to see BCRs built like tanks at some point.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Avatar of othermonkey othermonkey.
    Avatar of alien_brain

    switches and encoders exist that are higher spec than the behringer components, thats for sure. its just up to you finding the right ones, maybe making a mistake or 2 and doing the work of replacing them. afterwards they will look the same or similar and use the same case etc but be much tougher. this is not a small job however. nobody will step up and do it for you. i think if you want it youll need to do it yourself.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain.
    Avatar of othermonkey

    looks like a nightmare to do. i’m not even sure i’d be able to manage it. would have to buy like two extra BCRs just in case. i wish some small group of people would build a tank-like BCR2000 from scratch using better and simpler components, and somehow work to get Zaquencer running on it. a lot to ask but whatev. start a kickstarter or something.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    yeah the scope of what youre asking is unrealistic.

    just spend some time on it, dont expect it to be done in an hour. anything worth having is worth working for no? you could just upgrade the encoders and switches to a heavier duty box. doesnt sound that hard. at least you arent reverse engineering a 30 year old piece of gear in order to re-write the OS or upgrade the CPU etc youre just soldering some wires!

    Avatar of othermonkey

    yea i guess you’re right. anyway, i’ll cross that bridge when i get there. still works fine for the time being but can’t helping thinking “when is this POS gonna break” every time i turn a knob.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    OTOH it does sound like an opportunity for Christian to take this idea further. i wonder how many are selling and what the percentage is of customers willing to go the mile. there are certainly other boutique sequencers for sale that arent as cool IMHO selling for juuust a little bit more.

    Christian, would you be into the idea of providing a hardware upgrade solution kit or something similar?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i bet hes not interested.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hm… while I like the idea of a hardware upgrade kit on the one hand, on the other it raises a few questions/problems.

    I´m not so sure I share the sentiment of the BCR not being built reasonably well.
    My first BCR is from 2004, and it´s alive and kicking.
    I have had reports of hardware problems, but it really seems to be in the low one-digit-percentage rate.

    What are the concrete points of interest? Mainly the encoders and buttons?
    I´m not quite sure how much demand there would be for a kit like this. It would make more sense in my opinion to investigate sources for the spare parts more closer and exchange our experiences (like in the other thread about sourcing the encoders). More like if the BCR breaks or has trouble to give help to fix it, but not act prophylacticly. The encoders are not so easy to desolder in my opinion, and offering a kit might lead to users creating problems in the first place where there would have been none.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    so what? they can take responsibility for their own desires and actions? just make a warning

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i dont mean that to sound disrespectful. at the same time, it may be an opportunity to make additional income from your empire… just a thought

    points of interest are definitely switches and encoders. or perhaps an upgraded flash rom? ;)

    Avatar of Christian

    no worries. the way I see it it´s not so interesting for us to provide the hardware upgrade solution. I cannot really imagine this many people picking up the soldering iron for this, and those who do most likely have the possibility to source the parts themselves. I´d much rather focus on the firmware, there is enough to do there as it is :/

    and on a side note, I always looked at ZAQ Audio more like the Rebel Alliance ;)

    Avatar of alien_brain

    hahahaha thats not what i meant regarding empire lol

    Avatar of Christian

    Ok, the first step to a hardware upgrade is in reach anyway.
    Because of the other thread “Knobs replacement” I´ve finally bit the bullet and ordered the Bourns direct replacement for the BCR´s push encoders:

    Top is original, bottom is Bourns PEC12R-4030F-S0024
    That is the same type, not rasterized, 24 ppr, with push function.

    I have already tried them in the BCR and they work great. The physical resistance is a little lower in the Bourns (it´s easier to rotate), which in my opinion is great and feels like higher quality actually. The encoders in my old BCR from 2004 feel the same way.

    I have ordered quite a few of those and will sell them for 3 Euro per piece+shipping. I´m thinking of ways to incorporate it into the store, in the meantime just PM me if you´re interested or write to

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