Problem loading saved SysEx presets

Home Forums Support Problem loading saved SysEx presets

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #3661
    Avatar of Paul

    Absolutely loving Zaquencer, but I have problem whereby I can’t reload saved presets.

    I saved a single preset as per the instructions.

    I checked the preset in the validator and it says it’s okay.

    On the BCR2000 I then did:

    [STORE] > hold encoder 1 > play the sysex file back (same settings as fw update ie 50% transmit speed)

    no error code returned as per midi monitor

    display shows “- 1”

    press [EXIT] – still same preset loaded

    I’m using a MAC, OS X 10.11.1, Steinberg UR22 interface, Sysex Librarian. I’m not having midi issues with any other hardware and the firmware loaded fine via the same setup.

    Appreciate any thoughts on what might be causing this, or what I’m doing wrong.

    • This topic was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Avatar of Paul Paul.
    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Paul,

    thanks for submitting the support request. From your description you´re talking about the SysEx export/import functionality and I´ve edited the thread title to reflect this.

    Which Zaquencer version are you using?
    Can you please send the preset in a mail to so that I can try ro replicate the behaviour?

    I´m not sure if you´re doing anything wrong, sounds like you´re using the correct procedure.

    The LCD should display a moving “8″ on the very left side when transmitting back the preset. If that stops somewhere (could look like the – 1 you´re referring to) that would mean that not all packages are transmitted correctly. Do you have the possibility to receive the packages you´re sending with the same pc and compare sent/received data? Maybe with a midi loopback cable? A preset consists of 8 SysEx messages.

    For furhter tests it would be good if you could mix up your Midi chain somehow, try a different interface, different OS etc. I don´t really think that´s the cause of the problem because you´ve transferred the firmware OK, but it can never hurt to try different things (if you have the option).

    Avatar of Paul

    Hi Christian, something you posted there screamed out at me: “A preset consists of 8 SysEx messages.“.

    I had been using “Record One” in Sysex Librarian (as I do for my hardware synth presets) – I just changed that to “Record Many” and we’re golden.

    Thanks for the quick help.

    Avatar of Christian

    Ah good to know, thanks for posting back here! Great that it could be solved that quickly.

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