programming a BCR firmware

Home Forums Feature Wishlist programming a BCR firmware

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years ago.

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  • #2151
    Avatar of stefanovic

    Hello Christian,

    ok, I tried to find the information on the web to no avail, I’ve read the FAQ, and tried to find your email since I think this discussion might have been better conducted privately… I hope it will be ok to discuss this matter on this forum.

    I have a BCR and I’d like to investigate programming a new firmware to add some features I need. I was wondering how you get the necessary information to do so for zaquencer. Did you sign an agreement with Behringer? Or did you use the unofficial driver from Willem? Or is it the result of your own investigations? Would you be ok to share some minimal information on how to do so?



    Avatar of pure

    just out of curiosity I would love to hear a bit about that, too!

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi stephane,
    you´re right, the forums don´t feel like the right place to discuss this.
    Please contact me at christian [at] zaqaudio [dot] com, and we can talk a bit through email.

    Contact details are on the right under “imprint” by the way.

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