
Home Forums Feature Wishlist Randomizer

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1754
    Avatar of Paolo

    Just installed full version of zaquencer (I bought bcr2000 just for it!!) great sequencer!!!
    I’d like some randomization functions for example pushing the “random button” and “note length” button the values will be randomized only for the current track.
    Parameters could be:
    Note (random note but in scale)
    Note mute
    Note length

    Sorry for my English

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Paolo,

    thanks for sharing your feature request!
    I´m happy to tell you that this feature is already implemented through the Wave Generator.

    You can press and hold the Wave Generator button and then press one of the lit buttons to randomize this parameter for the selected track.
    Available params for randomization are: Note Pitch, Note Velocity, Note Mute, Note Delay, Note Length, Midi Ctrl Alpha, Beta and Chord.
    Other waveforms than random are also possible. Please see the manual for all the gritty details, P.13, Wave Generator.


    Avatar of Paolo

    Thank you!
    probably I don’t understand very well the wave generator!
    So, just for clarification, if I press wave generator button and then press note pitch, I obtain 32 random notes. These 32 notes remain the same all times that pattern play or will change every time?

    Avatar of Christian

    Yes you´re exactly right. You hold the wave generator button and press the other button once ond you get 32 random notes (etc..) that will then stay the same.
    Did I understand you correctly that this is how you wanted it? Or do you want a mode where the notes keep changing constantly?
    If you want even more randomness for now you can also use the random direction, which will always play a different step as the next step.

    Avatar of Paolo

    Thank you!
    Yes this is perfect, exactly my request! thank you!
    I understood that “wave generator” was like an LFO that change costantly the values but i was wrong. Thank you for your clear explanation!

    Avatar of Christian

    Happy to help! Great to hear that it´s already how you wished it would be.

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