Ratcheting live for fun and profit

Home Forums Tips and Tricks Ratcheting live for fun and profit

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Kieran Kieran 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    The ratcheting setting is right next to the ‘off’ setting in the global midi ctrl alpha and beta.

    This means that you can prepare your ratchets live, while the sequence is running, with the setting off, on alpha or beta or both (!!!) then when you are happy put the setting to Ratchet and let it run free.

    The current set-up of the ratchet mode cleverly allows for two concurrent ratchet tracks that you can flip on/off and between very easily. Three hoorays for christian!

    Not so easy for delay though. One way of mitigating this might be an ‘off’ setting between each (?) midi ctrl value.


    Avatar of Christian

    Great tip! Hm, regarding the delay, I would think that turning it on live, skipping over the ratchet setting in the global menu is no big deal? If anything, hitting “delay” in the global menu should be even easier because you can just turn the encoder all the way to the left, and it will definitely land on “delay”.

    Avatar of Kieran

    I can’t wait to try this!

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