remove mixer/inst select toggle

Home Forums Feature Wishlist remove mixer/inst select toggle

This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of teknoid teknoid 9 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #2266
    Avatar of chaosmoon

    Why do they toggle?

    If i want to be in inst select i’ll hit the button. Same goes for Mixer.

    when lost in note repeat/channel mute madness and live drum programming i want to know that when i hit mixer it’ll be in that mode. That means i might hit it just to be sure.

    Avatar of paul

    I think its probably because the Note Repeat button is shared with Tap Write, so if you were able to have both Mixer and Inst Select activated, you would be doing both Note Repeat and Tap Write if you used that button.

    Avatar of Christian

    The idea behind it was that when pressing any menu button you return to the previous menu. This is great for quick adjustments to the mixer for example, where you don´t want to think about where you want to return to.
    Let´s say you´re lost deep into pattern programming (pitch, CC, anything) and then you quickly want to enable/disable a track => hit mixer, track button, mixer => and you´re back where you just were. In and out in a heartbeat, even quicker than using the exit button.

    I understand that it can be confusing if you start perceiving it as toggle, but try to think trough it that way and see if it makes sense for you.

    • This reply was modified 10 years ago by Avatar of Christian Christian.
    Avatar of teknoid

    i did unfortunately not nearly have enough time to play around with zaquencer to give it a thorough review with thought full feature requests.

    the confusion i have with will hopefully go away as i play longer with it, allthough i have to say that the workflow sometimes confuses me a bit.
    I always get lost when wanting to switch from note to a drum note channel.

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 12 months ago by Avatar of teknoid teknoid.
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