repeat part of a pattern

Home Forums Tips and Tricks repeat part of a pattern

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 4 years, 9 months ago.

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  • #7089
    Avatar of Dustin

    Forgive me I am brand new to this. As there are only 32 notes on the page, is there a way to play notes 1-8 of a pattern once, repeat 1-8, then play 9-16, repeat once, etc..? That is without using up 9-16 for the same notes. thank you in advance!

    Avatar of Christian

    You can use on track to control the sequence start of other tracks and so do what you envision. Please see this video, where we show exactly what you asked:
    For the setup/explanation it starts from here:

    Info in the manual, about how to use the mode above, is on page 22 (Trigger Enable) and page 36 (Midi remote commands).

    It’s a bit of a hassle to set it up and use it, but it can be done.

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