Saving different patterns (Patt 1-12) within the 16 'button' patterns

Home Forums Support Saving different patterns (Patt 1-12) within the 16 'button' patterns

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Tom Tom 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of Tom


    I understand that within each of the 16 banks of patterns using the <—> keys you can select pattern 1 to 12 within this bank.

    I can save succsesfully within each bank (by pressing the button) but have not been able to save within the 1-12 selectable patterns within.

    I have tried – click ‘store’, then using the <——> buttons to change the pattern number within the bank and then clicking the bank number, I have also tried changing the pattern number and pressing store again – nothing seems to work!

    Anyone got any suggestions?


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Tom,
    I think I might know what´s going on.
    The thing is, the 16 buttons represent the patterns, and the < ----> buttons the banks (1-12).
    Not the other way around like you´ve described.

    So the workflow is as such: select the bank (1-12) with the < ----> buttons and then hit the pattern button (1-16) where in the bank you want to store the pattern. Then it should be stored there.

    As a sideinfo: when you press “Store” while being in the Store menu you exit the menu, saving the pattern in the currently selected pattern slot (blinking button).

    Avatar of Tom

    Ahh that makes sense! Will try it when I get home, thank you :)

    Superb product btw, it’s given a whole new lease of life to my volca bass! Every time I switch it on, something good happens :) thanks so much!!


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