sequence play problem

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of sammy jankis sammy jankis 10 years ago.

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  • #2307
    Avatar of sammy jankis
    sammy jankis

    I think I messed up a setting again :)
    When I hit play, my 32-step sequence does not play. it goes thru steps as if they are blank for 24 steps then plays different notes for another 8 + 24 steps, then starts playing my sequence. It does it for all tracks… How do I get it to start play normally? What did I mess up?

    Avatar of sammy jankis
    sammy jankis

    well, couldn’t wait for a reply on a sunday evening so I re-init and it works fine now. God knows what I (or my cat) messed up that caused above problem but now it is solved.

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