Sequence "variation" function?

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Craig Craig 9 years, 3 months ago.

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    Avatar of Craig

    So, let’s say you’ve got a sequence you really like. It would be nice to be able to hold down a button and twist a knob to get a variation of that pattern based on the pitch, step length, mutes, etc that are currently programmed. A randomization of sorts but the degree can be selected ahead of time. This is probably much more work than I am imagining but it would be cool.

    Avatar of George Vicentiu
    George Vicentiu

    get a midibud its 100 dollars and chain it before your sound sours, it has customable randomizations of notes, midi cc and velocities and you cane dial as much as need it,, so every time your seance is going true midi bud will give you variations

    Avatar of Craig

    That’s great but I’d like to be able to save the pattern variations and then chain them within the Zaq.

    Avatar of Craig

    Any thoughts on this Christian? How difficult would it be to randomize pitch, velocity, step length, etc? I had this quirky sequencer made by Flemming that had a similar function but was a bit too “out there” musically. Slight randomization of a pattern could be really cool.

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    Hi if you want to retain variation in the zaq why not just apply a random waveshape to your values set to ‘add’. Random waveshapes can be applied to most values so you should what you’re looking for

    Avatar of Craig

    True. That will do most of what I wanted.

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