Sequencer does not play Instrument 1

Home Forums Support Sequencer does not play Instrument 1

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 12 months ago.

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    Avatar of jeremy

    I have tried a 404 sampler and a 707. The first instrument just wont play on any steps. The rest works fine. Also when i “search” the sound on instrument one’s knob i plays thru the sounds as it should. It just don’t play it in a sequence.

    Known problem ?

    thanks for any help

    Avatar of jeremy

    im talking about DrumTrack mode. When assigning notes to the 16 instruments. I can assign to instrument 1 but it does not it when making a sequence. No matter where in the sequence i put instrument 1.

    Avatar of jeremy

    it works fine on DT4 but not on DT3 ? any ideas here ? nothing is muted. No midi signal is ever sent for Ins 1

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Jeremy,
    sorry your forum entry did not come to my attention until now.

    Ok, I understand the problem, instrument 1 does not play on the 3rd track.
    To my knowledge there is no known bug at the moment.

    Just to make sure you know this feature, there are track mutes, as well as instrument mutes. That means, an instrument can still be muted, even when the track is not.
    Instrument mutes are the two button rows on the top left. If the first button is lit in mixer mode that would mean instrument 1 is muted.

    I will try to reproduce it the next days, please keep me posted here if you make more observations.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Jeremy,
    I´ve just checked this here and cannot reproduce the problem. Inst 1 plays fine on every track. Have you checked the individual instrument mutes?

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