Sequencing patterns from another sequencer

Home Forums Support Sequencing patterns from another sequencer

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Andy Andy 6 years, 7 months ago.

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    Avatar of Andy

    Just recentley bought a secondhand zaquencer and im really enjoying it so far. I realise there is no song mode only pattern chaining with adjacent patterns. Im wondering if it would be possible to sequence each pattern from an external sequencer (especially a qy300 or qy700). Does each pattern save have its own midi number? I was thinking if so i could set seperate tracks in the qy to send program changes to each pattern to trigger them, thus creating a song. Im not too great with midi programming but im wondering if anyone has tried anything similar or tried trggering the patterns from an external.midi device?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Andy,
    yes this works!
    Please look into the “trigger enable” function, P.22 in the manual:

    All the commands can then be found on P.36.
    You´d need PatternLoad A/B and maybe the “noMutes” versions if you don´t wat to change the muting of the tracks when loading a pattern.

    Hope this helps, let me know if you have more questions.

    Avatar of Andy

    I shall give it a try. Cherrs!

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