software bundled with the bcr2000?

Home Forums Music and Audio Production software bundled with the bcr2000?

This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 10 years, 1 month ago.

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    Avatar of fabi

    hi everyone,

    it looks like i’m going to get two more new bcr2000s for use as simple MIDI controllers. do any of you know if it’s currently bundled with any software?

    Avatar of Christian

    the latest ones that we bought didn´t come bundled with any software at all.
    there are a few related downloads on the Behringer homepage like drivers and utilities.
    but I think that´s not what you had in mind, I guess rather some sort of light versions of DAWs or so? unfortunately there is nothing of that sort.

    Avatar of fabi

    ok, thanks for the heads-up. i feared as much. was hoping tracktion 4/5 were included, but i guess that’s only the case with other behringer products.

    in other news, prices for the bcr2000 are on the rise (used to be €125 on thomann and justmusic, now justmusic has them for €149).
    and thomann doesn’t list the bcr2000 anymore, at all. anyone know what’s up with that?

    Avatar of fabi

    looks like i was wrong. thomann still lists them, too. must have made a typo, or they took the bcr 2000 site offline to edit the price – cause it’s now €149 there, as well.

    EDIT: looks like i was right after all. thomann doesn’t list it anymore. does this point towards behringer stopping to build them and them becoming ‘vintage’ sought-after controllers?

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by Avatar of fabi fabi.
    Avatar of alien_brain

    yeah seems you can only find them at big name retailers here in the USA. i had to buy my new one at ‘American Musical Supply’… i feel dirty now!

    Avatar of fabi

    well, my dad told me a few days ago that my christmas present had finally arrived. that was supposed to be a bcr2000. i hope it is….. don’t want no bcf.

    and as mentioned above, you can still find them here, just not at thomann at all, anymore. strange. usually they just go ‘not in store right now’ and don’t outright delete the product page.

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