Some drum hits don't seem to work simultaneously

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of John

    I’m finding that in the drum mode, most of the time different drum hits won’t play simultaneously. For example, say I have the first three instruments set to note values 36, 37, and 38 for drum, snare, and hi-hat respectively. All three will work independently, but if I have both hi-hat and snare play on step one, only the hi-hat note will be transmitted for that step (for example). I’ve found that sometimes some notes will be transmitted simultaneously for the same step, but so far I haven’t divined a pattern.

    Avatar of Christian

    hm, that´s highly unsusual. have you tried a different drum machine to verify this behaviour? you could also hook up a computer with a midi monitor software to the zaquencer to check if the notes are being generated fine. the drum mutes are disabled I guess, right?

    Avatar of John

    Right now I’m using the AKAI MPX8, and I’ve found that other people have had issues getting it to play notes simultaneously. I’ve also found that the Zaquencer outputs the MIDI notes correctly to the computer. The weird thing is that if I control the MPX8 with the computer over 5-pin MIDI, it plays simultaneous notes correctly. It’s only with the Zaquencer that it has issues. So it’s something about the way they’re interacting, but I have no idea what that would be.

    Avatar of Christian

    thanks for the update! I´ve been reading around a bit and found for example this thread:

    as you wrote, other people seem to have this problem as well with the MPX8 with a variety of midi sources (the Zaquencer is not sending active sense btw, which was guessed in the thread to upset the MPX8). are you running the clock signal out of the same midiport? maybe that might upset the MPX8. at this point I´m afraid I can´t be of more help with the topic as it seems to be an issue with the MPX8 and I also don´t have an MPX8 here for further tests.

    please report back if you find out more in the future!

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