Some drum instruments not sounding

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #1339
    Avatar of Mike

    I’ve got an odd situation occurring on my Zaquencer and before I enter it as a bug I’d like to request help and make sure it’s not user error. This is my first test run with this sequencer so it’s likely user error :)

    I have set up my drum track to play kick as inst 1, snare as inst 2, clap as inst 3. I can enter my kicks and my claps through either encoders or through tap mode. When trying to enter my snare through encoders, I can select the button and it lights up and I can turn encoders and have their LED 2 light up, but they do not trigger any sound. When trying to enter my snare through tap mode I can hear the snare when I tap the inst 2 button (so this verifies the button works and midi is transmitting) and the encoder LED 2 lights up, but still no sound.

    Is it possible to have a whole instrument muted? I have gone into the step mute mode and verified none of the steps are muted.

    Because this was my test run, I used the knowledge I learned from the test un to create a drum track in a different pattern, and this one allowed me to program snares in using instrument 2. This leads me to believe it is certainly something specific to that first pattern, whether it is something pattern specific I’ve set wrong or some glitch.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Mike,
    maybe you´re running into the default mutes of track 2-4?
    That means, after initialization only track 1 is unmuted and playing out notes.
    Tracks 2-4 are completely muted.
    Go to Mixer Menu and press the Track buttons so that they don´t light up continuously to unmute.
    As a sideinfo, in the Mixer Menu there are individual mutes for the drum instruments as well (the two button rows 1-16).

    And I´ve just verified, the instruments sound anyway in Tap Write mode, regardless of mute status.
    So that would fit your description…

    Avatar of Mike

    As a sideinfo, in the Mixer Menu there are individual mutes for the drum instruments as well (the two button rows 1-16).

    Thank you Zaq! This was the issue! I went into mixer mode and held down my track and found that 3 of my instruments (including the troublesome snare) were lit up, signifying that they were muted.

    Zaq, this firmware is such a cool thing. Thank you very much for developing it!

    Avatar of Christian

    Happy to hear that! Thanks for the update and the kudos, very much appreciated :)

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