Step Copy & Paste

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Step Copy & Paste

This topic contains 6 replies, has 6 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of joris joris 7 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #3220
    Avatar of udbhav

    Forgive me if I missed this in the manual, but don’t see a way to copy and paste all the properties of a particular step. Would LOVE to see that, would improve the workflow greatly IMO. What’s the suggested way to duplicate a step as of now?

    Avatar of bg

    +1 this would be huge

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    Copy mode – turn to left to select, to right to paste? Select a range by left turn at start then left turn at end of range, then turn to right to paste range from first step selected?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi udbhav,
    thanks for your question!

    There is no way to automatically copy a step right now.
    Feature request is noted.

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down


    As Zaq becomes more complicated and brilliant being able to copy settings from step to step and range to range :D would really help with live performance.

    Additional request sub-request! An ‘offset’ copy paste function – that functionally rotates a sequence along the encoders but actually just copy pastes.
    I know there is a dedicated seq function but an ‘offset’ copy paste would enable offsetting individual drum tracks.

    Avatar of erwan Bz✨
    erwan Bz✨

    +1 step copy
    offsetting individual tracks by rotating an encoder would be just Awesome too.

    Avatar of joris

    copy/paste step or range of steps to track and pattern of your liking (that includes inside/to the original track/pattern!) would be awesome

Viewing 7 posts - 1 through 7 (of 7 total)

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