transpose via MIDI Keynote

Home Forums Feature Wishlist transpose via MIDI Keynote

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #5088
    Avatar of Peter Büring
    Peter Büring

    Lowest note priority would be fine,
    (like the old cv based synths)

    Avatar of Peter Büring
    Peter Büring

    i mean .. if you play an acord on the keyboard, you could take just one note to transpose the sequence (lowest- or highest note priority). But i think it is not so easy to realize in Midi
    as in CV.

    Avatar of Christian

    guys… this is the first time I had to edit the forum to keep out hostility. I ask you nicely to keep it civil and not try to step on each other´s toes intentionally.
    this goes to both sides in this “conflict”.

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