Transposition glitching with EXT Clock and Ableton Live

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Dennis Dennis 12 months ago.

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  • #7745
    Avatar of Dennis

    I’m using an external midi keyboard that is routed through Ableton Live to control the transposition of my Zaquencer. This works great when the Clock Source is set to Internal.

    However, when the Clock Source is set to External and Ableton Live is playing everytime I press a note on the keyboard the Zaquencer seems to receive random notes (resulting in glitched pitches). This does not happen when Ableton Live is stopped (not playing any clip).

    I have checked that the Zaquencer only receives data from the keyboard and there are no clips on the track. I looks like Ableton Live is flooding the BCR2000 with midi data which confuses Zaquencer

    Have I overlooked something? I haven’t changed any of the default settings apart from
    - Clock in/ext: EXT
    - Transpose Enbl: Ch 1

    Avatar of air-v

    Have you tried to change your midi cable or midi usb dongle. I try a low price amz usb midi dongle, which it got the sync pb. When I use back my Roland one midi usb dongle, all sync trouble was gone. it was more robust.
    Let’s try

    Avatar of Dennis

    I might look into this but I don’t have any other dongle or cable available right know. However, as a workaround I used a M4L script that allows me to change the pitch of the incoming Zaquencer midi data based on the last pressed key on my keyboard.

    If anyone is interested, it is this one:

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