This topic contains 9 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Eliah 8 years, 5 months ago.
September 25, 2016 at 3:22 am #5102
Just got the Zaquencer and I’m delving through the manual. I tried the Wave Gen feature, it was pretty cool. Then I couldn’t turn it off. I assume there is an off or a zero. Didn’t see an on/off function in the manual. I think I missed something somewhere.
September 26, 2016 at 4:59 am #5104Bump.
Anyone? There must be a way obviously that I am missing.
September 26, 2016 at 7:34 am #5105Hi Eliah,
what do you mean exactly by “couldn´t turn it off”?
Did it keep randomizing or couldn´t you exit the menu mode?The way it´s designed is that you hold the “Wave Gen” button, press another lit up button to apply the Wave Gen. Then when you let go of the “Wave Gen” button it exits the Wave Gen mode.
Have you tried changing to a menu (like the Global menu) if it does not work like described? What happens?
September 26, 2016 at 3:41 pm #5109My experience of the Wave Gen is:
Pressed and held button to initiate the Wave Gen
Selected a parameter to affect (i.e. Pitch)
Noticed audible change in sequenced sounds
Manipulated parameters to change the Wave Gen effect
Released Wave Gen button
Wave Gen modulation effect continues until I reload the track from memoryOther thing I noticed is that Wave Gen parameters are not “live” as I have to (while holding the Wave Gen button) press a parameter again (i.e. Pitch) in order for changes to be applied. Which may be as intended but I think it superior to be able to make the changes on the fly and hear how exactly the four adjustment knobs affect the sound. Then again as the modulation can effect more than one parameter at the same time perhaps live control is not practical unless it was a matter of holding both Wave Gen button and parameter to be modulated at the same time and then tweak from there. Which would be a cool feature.
So short answer is yes the Wave Gen effect remains constant after it has been activated with a parameter and the Wave Gen button released. I would say that it is not necessarily a bad thing in so much as perhaps I want the modulation to hold without having to hold the button down (perhaps if the Wave Gen is currently set up as “hold button to apply” a new toggle on/off function to “hold upon release” can be implemented) however there of course has to be a “Modulation Off” button or knob or at least a “modulation amount knob” to which I can turn to “0″ to have no modulation sent.
Currently I no longer use the Wave Gen as it sticks to the pattern whether I want it to or not.
September 28, 2016 at 9:37 am #5115Hello,
I think you are missing the point a bit about WaveGen. It is used to generate a “wave” and write it in the desired parameter, this will update the steps in the parameter every time you hit the parameter button while pressing WAVEGEN. If you want to “turn it” off you have to edit the parameters you have changed or, as you already know, reload the track from memory.
September 28, 2016 at 12:29 pm #5118Like Francisco wrote, the WaveGen should not be confused with an LFO. It is there to create a static wave that can be placed into a parameter. Maybe that´s what caused the confusion.
September 28, 2016 at 3:45 pm #5121I understand now that the Wave Gen is written to the track. Francisco wrote: “If you want to “turn it” off you have to edit the parameters you have changed…” I had made this assumption when I first tried it and attempted to turn some parameter to zero to send no effect to MIDI but that didn’t seem to work. I suppose in the choose waveform selection if there was an OFF selection it be easier. However I suppose I can just reload the pattern simple enough to do the same thing.
September 29, 2016 at 3:01 pm #5126What I meant was that you have to go to the parameter you changed with WaveGen and change all steps back to how they were (one by one).
I think You could also use WaveGen with the rectangle wave, gain 0, step 1, and use the offset to choose a value. This will pull all steps on the value choosen.
September 29, 2016 at 3:35 pm #5127Ah, I see. Well it seems simpler to just reload the pattern. For me it’s a nice artistic tool to use as sometimes it gives me a cool variation I never would have thought of. Perhaps the best implementation is to save it as a mod on a pattern in a chain that I can go in/out of.
October 6, 2016 at 5:06 pm #5154For some reason the Wave Gen seems stuck now even when I reload a pattern. I was hoping to use it for a smooth filter cutoff sweep. Turning it off and resetting it is too difficult so it just ends up being something not to touch unless I want to ruin the pattern I’ve made.
*Edit. It appears the Wave Gen sticking despite reloading the pattern is when it is currently running and receiving external clock. Stopping the external clock allows the pattern to properly reload.
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