USB floppy?

Home Forums Feature Wishlist USB floppy?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 10 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #1787
    Avatar of alien_brain

    can you make an off the shelf USB floppy drive work from the USB port? silly idea i know but had to ask.

    Avatar of Christian

    I like your thinking, straight out-of-the-box!

    I haven´t really thought about it before as I´ve sort of dismissed the USB functionality of the BCR completely for now. I had only looked at getting the USB port going as a regular USB interface during the development and it was just way too much research/work to justify the efforts (5$ USB-Midi interfaces available etc).

    And even if I was able to get a handle on the USB functionality I wouldn´t know if you could ever plug in a device into the BCR, when it itself is designed to be the device-to-be-plugged-in.

    Interesting topic though, I might have a read in that direction.

    Avatar of pure

    certainly the most eccentric request so far :)

    Avatar of alien_brain

    ok USB flash rom! sounds more feasible. i wonder if the USB buss is powered from both sides in this instance. that would be essential.

    im half joking with this request by the way.

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