USB-Midi working

Home Forums Feature Wishlist USB-Midi working

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #2579
    Avatar of kobayashi

    Is it possible to get Midi over USB working?

    Would be fine for sequencing Softsynths or transpose a Sequence from DAW,
    record Midi in DAW, etc.

    The DIN Outputs been used for the Hardware.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi kobayashi,
    sorry for the late reply, I must have missed the post.

    As I´ve commented before, Midi over USB is unfortunately not on our list right now.
    The thing is, it would cost a huge chunk of development time which we´d rather spend on more fun features.
    We recommend getting a Midi to USB interface to work with the DAW. If the BCR outputs are already taken up by hardware, there is always the option of checking your hardware (or DAW for that matter) for Midi-Through functionality or getting a Midi Splitter, like the Kenton Midi Through.

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