use with Ableton Drumrack?

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 9 years, 4 months ago.

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    Avatar of Phil


    im new to this. i want to replace abletons sequencer with zaquencer. i want to trigger Abletons Drum rack and other VSTs. I have no hardware synth. after that i want to record the pattern in Ableton sequencer. is it possbble?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Phil,
    thanks for your question!
    Yes, all you ask is possible.
    You can trigger up to 4 different VSTi tracks with the Zaquencer, including drum racks.
    When you´re happy with the tracks, you can record them as Midi in Ableton.

    Too hook up the Zaquencer to a computer, you need a USB-Midi interface.
    Such a separate USB-Midi Interface is often included in existing soundcards, or you can purchase separate, inexpensive interfaces for the upload. The cheapest one that we´ve found to work reliably is the M-Audio Midi Sport Uno, for example:

    There are cheaper ones for around 5$ on eBay, but they are hit-and-miss, some work fine, some don´t.

    Let me know if you have further questions!

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