What's the best way to save all settings before installing Demo?

Home Forums Support What's the best way to save all settings before installing Demo?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 10 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #946
    Avatar of Paul

    Thank you for creating this. It looks amazing and I’d love to give the demo (great option btw) a try. However, I have never gotten the Behringer BCR application (for Mac) to even work or recognize my unit. How can I save all the changes I’ve programmed by hand into the unit?


    Avatar of alien_brain

    its just a system exclusive dump… you can look for ‘c6′, a free sysex utility from elektron

    c6 for windows

    C6 for Mac

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain.
    Avatar of Christian

    Yup, like alien brain wrote, you have to do a sysex dump from the bcr and record it with a midi software like c6, or sysex librarian on the computer.
    For how to trigger a sysex dump on the bcr, check page 18 of it´s manual:

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