Will the stuck notes bug get fixed?

Home Forums Bug Reports Will the stuck notes bug get fixed?

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 6 years, 5 months ago.

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  • #6311
    Avatar of Panason

    This bug is hard to live with and is making me consider selling the Zaquencer….

    Is there any chance it may get fixed or maybe we can have a workaround, such as the option to send an “all notes off” message at the end of every loop or manually?

    Avatar of Christian

    There is a workaround (manually send “all notes off” message) that I´ve already posted over at this thread:

    Hope this helps!

    Avatar of fabi

    for me using the release candidate from that other thread works just fine for my purposes. :)

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