Zaq freezing

Home Forums Bug Reports Zaq freezing

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of DJ Shiva DJ Shiva 8 years, 8 months ago.

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    Avatar of DJ Shiva
    DJ Shiva

    I will just be playing and changing notes and doing what I do, and then everything freezes. Button pressing doesn’t work, rotaries don’t work. No consistency to what I was doing or when it freezes. Sometimes it’s fine upon rebooting, but today it has done it multiple times and it’s driving me crazy.

    Should I reflash the firmware?

    Avatar of Christian

    This is new. What version are you running? Internal/external clock? How´s the rest of your setup?

    Avatar of DJ Shiva
    DJ Shiva

    v 1.042. Clock is coming from Ableton, through Machinedrum, out to Zaq. I have had random freezes before, but few and far between. This cluster of them was maddening.

    No delay or ratchet. Nothing fancy, was just making sequences on 2 channels and then just freezeup after freezeup.

    Avatar of Christian

    From what you describe it sounds like it might be connected to the external clock. i’ve had the case that in some circumstances if the clock stops coming in from the master the zaquencer may appear frozen. can you please try with a different clock setup or verify that your clock is working reliably (from ableton and the interface).

    i am out of the office until saturday and can help troubleshoot more next week.


    Avatar of Christian

    p.s. as another quick idea (from on the road), maybe can you try to make zaquencer the master an see if this runs better with the other gear?

    Avatar of DJ Shiva
    DJ Shiva

    Will test this week and holler back.

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