zaquencer connectivity

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This topic contains 5 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Daryl Daryl 9 years, 7 months ago.

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  • #2917
    Avatar of Daryl

    Back again with another stupid basic question
    The zaquencer seems to have room for maybe 2 midi devices at the back but can sequence 4 tracks
    I have 4 devices with standard midi ports in and out on each and want to connect them all to a zaquencer(which i do not yet have) just asa matter of saving time and possibly frustration whats the most efficient way to do this? should I be using a midi thrubox? or just chaining them thru standard midi cables? or should i be using adapters?

    (devices are a mutable instuments shruthi,novation mininova,sonic potions lxr and a waldorf streichfett if thats of any concern)

    Avatar of rempesm

    I don’t know if the gear you’ve quoted above have MIDI Thru on them, but you could chain them together. You might find is there could be a little bit of a delay in timing for the final instrument in the chain.

    The best thing to do, or at least what I opted for, was to get a MIDI thrubox as you’ve suggested. There’s lots of different brands available but I picked up a MIDI Solutions Quadra Thru which is powered by MIDI so it saves you the hassle of finding space on your power strip.

    Going for this solution also gives you the option to route the second MIDI out to another Zaquencer or other gear for MIDI clock without sending any MIDI notes to it.

    Avatar of Daryl

    Thats helpful thanks. Just to clarify because Im a mididiot I take it midi thru isnt a requirment on my gear to make use of a midi thrubox?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    nope. beyond that thru box theres midi patchbays like the motu midi time peice AV. but you will need to study up on stuff n things

    Avatar of rempesm

    Nah, you don’t need to have Thru on the devices to make this work. Each device just needs to have a MIDI In. I have mine wired up as follows:

    BCR 2000
    Midi Solutions Quadra Thru
    | | | |
    V V V V
    In A In B In C In D

    • This reply was modified 9 years, 7 months ago by Avatar of rempesm rempesm. Reason: Bah, formatting got completely thrown but you get the idea I hope
    Avatar of Daryl

    Thanks guys

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