zaquencer not slaving in time

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This topic contains 6 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain 8 years, 12 months ago.

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  • #4602
    Avatar of dyLAB

    My zaquencer is not slaving in time with my other gear.
    My setup is ableton live as my master clock and I then send midi out from ableton to tr8/tt303/korg volcas and zaquencer
    the zaquencer then sends midi back into live and I use it to sequence a roland gaia and use expert sleepers silent way to convert the midi to cv/gate.
    I have recorded the midi notes coming in from the zaquencer and they are not keeping time – ie the timing on zaquencer is not timing that is recorder
    I have screen grab of midi notes if that helps.

    Avatar of dyLAB

    I have tried downgrading the firmware and I still get timing issues with zaquencer.
    My other gear keeps time.

    Avatar of Christian

    thanks for sharing your issue!
    Please send the screengrab to

    Some thoughts off the top of my head:
    Is the timing problem only for the notes going back into Ableton or is it also for hardware synths connected to the Zaquencer? Is the timing error constant (so a constant offset compared to the other notes) or does it vary (one note is on time, the next is not etc etc).
    When testing the Zaquencer with Ableton it was necessary to compensate a driver delay in the Ableton Midi driver settings.

    Avatar of dyLAB

    The midi comes into ableton from zaquencer then is routed out either to cv/gate or my Gaia.

    My other midi gear is clocked directly from ableton.

    I have a motu 128 express that has all my zaquencer/ midi gear on it.

    I’ll send through screenshot later when I’m back on my Computer.

    Where is midi compensation delay setting ? Is that track delay?

    Avatar of dyLAB

    It seems the issue was the port on my MOTU express.
    I swapped the in out with the cables I had connected to the GAIA and it worked perfectly.

    Avatar of Christian

    Great to hear! Thanks for letting us know.

    Just for the sake of completeness, the Ableton “Midi Clock Sync Delay” can be adjusted in the Midi driver settings panel. There is a little triangle left of the device name which will reveal additional settings when clicked. For example:

    Avatar of alien_brain

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