Zaquencer stuck on boot up

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 5 months ago.

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    Avatar of Rafael

    Since installing the last 2 firmware revs my BCR boots up but gets stuck in a loop where it flashes 1.50 on the led and the letter “Z” on the encoders in a continuous loop. If I wait long enough it sometimes boots up, but often it just keeps looping. I’ve tried to reflash the firmware but it’s still happening. Anyone else have this problem?

    Avatar of Rafael

    Just did a test and uploaded 1.03 firmware and it works fine. but the 2 lates revs get stuck. Maybe it’s a problem with my firware upload? Using sysex librarian. Settings are

    Pause between messages = 153 msec
    sysex recieve timeout = 438 msec
    transmit speed = 1386 bytes/sec (44%)

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Rafael,
    sorry to hear about your problems. I haven´t heard of this one before.
    Have you tried going back to the old Zaquencer version?

    Have you also tried with the original Behringer firmware to see how that behaves?
    But watch out, this might overwrite your Zaquencer patterns.

    Avatar of Christian

    ah posted at the same time… I do not know of any problems with the new updates as of yet.
    Have you tried Elektron C6 for upload? Maybe that works better for you?

    Avatar of Rafael

    Thanks for the tip, it seems to have worked! I guess sysex librarian corrupted the file on load. Will report back if anything changes. Keep up the good work!

    Avatar of Rafael

    Ugh, just booted it up and it’s stuck in that loop again. Maybe it’s a hardware issue? Corrupt memory or something?… I’m going to try and load the old firmware and see if that has the same issue overnight.

    Avatar of Rafael

    Now I’m getting a P-Er on bootup for every firmware. 1.5 still stuck in a loop. But 1.3 gives the P-Er but then boots up okay. What does P-Er mean and does it hold a clue to why I’m having issues with firmware?

    Avatar of Christian

    Hmm… it sounds strange. I have a feeling the hardware might be to blame, maybe a faulty sector in the flash rom or something.
    P-Er means that there was an error loading the pattern paramters. There is a safety check on load to ensure that the parameters are within certain ranges. If a paramter is out of range for whatever reason, the error P-Er is shown and the pattern load aborted. You can check if only the first pattern got corrupted by copying over another pattern to slot 1.
    Also If you don´t mind losing your existing patterns, if you do a reinit (hold “Page < " and "Stop/Play" during startup), you clear all patterns (and global settings) so that the error should definitely be gone.

    One more thing: the error is designed so that it actually should never show.
    While I can´t say for certain why it shows up on your device, it hints to something funky going on and maybe points to the flash rom again.

    If you wish to discuss further steps, please send me an email to

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