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  • #6084
    Avatar of Rich

    Thanks for the quick reply. I guess I should have just RTFM. :)

    Avatar of Rich

    Seconded, it would be nice to have an infinite length note option to do drones.

    Avatar of Rich


    Avatar of Rich

    Lol, @alien_brain yes that’s a good suggestion. I guess then I would have to buy double the amount of equipment (which I wouldn’t mind but my wife might). Is there a way to have two Zaquencers and have them control the same midi instrument?

    @zaq, thanks for your suggestion. I will check the manual and give that a try.

    Avatar of Rich

    Thank you Mikael for the wood panels. Now my Zaquencer matches my Moog!
    My pimped zaquencer!

    Avatar of Rich


    Using the wave function on the note pitch is kind of like an arp.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Avatar of Rich Rich.
    Avatar of Rich

    Thanks for the advice. FYI, for anyone else trying to get this to work, on my Novation Mininova, the bank change was CC-32. For my TB-3, it was CC-0. It looks like on most gear it is usually one of those.

    Avatar of Rich

    I have it controlling a Moog Slim Phatty, a Roland TB-3 and a TR-8, and a Novation Mininova.
    I am using the Zaquencer for midi clock on the TR-8 but not using the drum step sequencer. I’m using the step sequencer on the TR-8 itself. It is just so easy to use and hands on fun!

    Avatar of Rich

    “MSB and LSB Don’t let this bit of technical jargon scare you off. MSB stands for Most significant byte and LSB stands for Least significant Byte. This data format is used when 127 values are not enough for the control. Think of it like a shortwave radio. The MSB sets the coarse tuning and the LSB is the fine tuning. Synths with very finely articulated knobs may send out an MSB and LSB, but most just send an LSB. You can tell by recording a knob tweak in your sequencer, then looking at the data in the event editor. If there are two sets of controllers, each with a range of 0-127, that’s what’s going on, it’s sending a MSB and an LSB. Don’t worry about learning hexidecimal code that the programmers have to deal with. Unless you are writing music software, all that stuff is a waste of time. Just remember, coarse and fine tuning.

    One of the beautiful, but confusing things about controller definitions is the way manufacturers can creatively use them to control the innards of their synthesizers. Remember, it’s just code. Send the right code, the synth reacts.

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Avatar of Rich Rich.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Avatar of Rich Rich.
    • This reply was modified 10 years, 3 months ago by Avatar of Rich Rich.
    Avatar of Rich

    Nothing’s impossible!

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