Added wave generator mute functionality

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Added wave generator mute functionality

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of Tommy Down Tommy Down 9 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #3398
    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    At the moment only ‘random’ waves are able to modify mutes – and create random patterns. Same functionality exists on the drum tracks.

    Request version 1!
    All waves, gain of 2 (0-1), rate 1-32 (as normal), offset – no functionality. (you could implement offset to bias the result perhaps)

    So a saw wave with gain of 2, rate of 16, no offset would give a mute sequence of 001100110011 etc. Therefore being able to apply offset to this would skew the output eg. 000100010001 or 011101110111.
    Obviously irregular rates would give you some pretty kooky rhythms – (euclidean one might say). Rate of 12 gives you variations of 000111000111.

    End of version 1 – which is how I it would work for drum notes anyway.

    Version 2 would enable ‘add’ in the offset setting. This would possibly require the mute setting to retain values with a larger range than 0 or 1.. but would allow really interesting rhythms. Triangle NAND Sine = ???

    Yes this is complicated – but would be very intuitive once you get going with it – gives you extended rhythm generation (you just have to learn your setting combinations – as usual!) and most importantly feels unique and Zaquential.

    Thank you – end of request

    PS – is it possible to not need to keep the waveshape button held down?

    Last minute edit!! extended wave request! TWO sets of wave shapes! wave, gate, rate, offset x2 !! with the choice of how to combine them. ADD SUBTRACT AND NAND OR NOR. This would mean that the mute setting would not need values beyond 0 or 1, and if wavemutes were implemented allow wonderful rhythms for the drum notes.

    FIN :D

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