Chaining Patterns

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This topic contains 7 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Bodo Bodo 6 years, 11 months ago.

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  • #6154
    Avatar of Jon

    Does anyone know how to do this? I essentially want to create one long 128 step sequence. Thanks!

    Avatar of Bodo

    Same problem here. I strictly followed the instruction manual (at least I believe I did) and tried for an hour or so (keeping one button pressed while pushing the other in Load mode), but gave up frustrated. It doesn’t chain the patterns as desired but simply plays them 1 – 2 – 3- 4… and so one.

    Avatar of Jon

    What section of the manual was that? I couldn’t find anything!

    Avatar of Bodo

    There’s a ‘Pattern Chain’ section in chapter 9, “Load Menu”. It’s on page 25 in the current manual version.

    Avatar of Christian

    The pattern chain function is a very simple functionality. You can basically just make the Zaquencer play consecutive patterns in a row, and start again from the first one.

    This is how: go to Load menu, hold the button of the first pattern while pressing the button of the last pattern. It will then play the patterns from the first to the last.
    Example: hold pattern 2 while pressing pattern 5, then you´ll get 2-3-4-5-2-3-4-5-2- etc…

    Avatar of Bodo

    Ah OK, thanks. Seems I misunderstood the feature: I thought it was similar to the pattern chain mode of the Beatstep Pro where you can chain them in any order you like, for instance 2-7-3-4-1-8-15-12…

    OK, considering on what I intended for a piece I’m currently writing I’ll have to find a workaround for that bit then :).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Avatar of Bodo Bodo.
    Avatar of Christian

    as a workaround you could try to copy your patterns to slots in the right order.
    just load a pattern and store it again in a different slot.
    be careful not to overwrite good patterns though!
    maybe make a SysEx dump for backup before…

    Avatar of Bodo

    Sure, but that won’t work in this particular case: I have a number of bass line (Volca Bass sequenced by Beatstep Pro; 16 patterns with 64 steps each) and string (JX-03 sequenced by the Zaquencer; 12 patterns with 32 steps each) patterns that will be played several times in different orders throughout the song (a kind of building block system, actually). I can do the bass chain on the BSP using several pattern chains in ‘scene mode’, since that gives me more than 16 slots.

    Well, perhaps I’ll just (have to) switch between patterns on the Zaquencer manually then. I’ll see and get it done somehow :).

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 11 months ago by Avatar of Bodo Bodo.
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