Combine/Divide tracks to make 8,16,64,96,128 step tracks

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Combine/Divide tracks to make 8,16,64,96,128 step tracks

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of Tommy Down Tommy Down 9 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #3555
    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    So currently there are 4 pages with a track each that runs concurrently with up to 32 steps.

    Would it be possible to group pages together to create 64, 96 or 128 step tracks that are visible over 2, 3, or 4 pages?

    This gives you longer tracks not more tracks. Before grouping, pages would need to be either all chord or all drum. Group by pressing the track buttons you want to group. 1st button pressed sets the master settings for the track group – and overrides global settings for the other tracks. etc etc

    2nd request! (much less feasible though) would be to be able to divide tracks – into 16 and 8 (!!) step tracks. I expect each track page would have to have the same global settings though.

    Ideally each track division would be able to have its own seq start, seq end, seq offset, clock divider, direction and shuffle – and respond appropriately to group change of note values, velocities etc.

    polyrhythm / euclidean / funtimes :D
    Thank yow

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