direct note length editing in ticks

Home Forums Feature Wishlist direct note length editing in ticks

This topic contains 24 replies, has 10 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Siegmar Kreie Siegmar Kreie 10 years, 3 months ago.

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  • #1413
    Avatar of Zymos

    Personally I’d rather you not sacrifice the longer notes for this.

    Avatar of pure

    2 bars are necessary to place for example a breakbeat loop that goes over all 32 steps (if steps are 16th), right? if so then 2 bars should probably stay. 4 bars could be sacrificed if “3″ (3/4) seems more helpful.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    oh well. not a super big deal.

    btw im always having strange behavior when a note is longer than the one that comes right after it… it seems the first note continues after the second note is done.

    Avatar of Siegmar Kreie
    Siegmar Kreie

    I think, it`s a good deal. With 4 tracks, I use these for rythmical relevant stuff and keep the layer chords elswhere.

    Avatar of Christian

    btw im always having strange behavior when a note is longer than the one that comes right after it… it seems the first note continues after the second note is done.

    is this when the two notes have the same pitch? I have noticed that when this is the case and the notes overlap, the note off from the first note might actually turn off the second one, so that the first one continues longer. might that description fit what you´re experiencing? but this didn´t really strike me as a bug, more like how midi works…

    Avatar of alien_brain

    yeah i guess so. im also using a monophonic synth. guess i should expect that behavior.

    Avatar of von haulshoven
    von haulshoven

    I use 2 and 4 bars a lot special for ambient chord track, I wish there where 8 bars also.

    Avatar of Zymos

    I’m using the longer notes as chord fed into an arpeggiator.

    Avatar of pure

    hm maybe mr. zaq can come up with a solution how each of us can make his/her own set of 16 different durations. the chord function works somehow similarily.

    Avatar of Siegmar Kreie
    Siegmar Kreie

    If a steplength would be divided in 16 substeps with the last substep equals steplength so that:
    - on pitchchange, the noteoff would be played after the next noteon, for fingered legato to be switched
    - with no pitchchange, the noteoff and next noteon would not be played, so the note would be prolonged
    we could have short notes/chords and long notes and fingered legato.
    We would loose the possibility of overlapping long notes, though.

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