Direction button not working

Home Forums Bug Reports Direction button not working

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Ulrich Büchsenschütz Ulrich Büchsenschütz 5 years ago.

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  • #7012

    The DIRECTION button in the main menu is not working properly on my device.
    It should be activated when hitting it once. But instead of activating the DIRECTION button, random other buttons light up, mostly Step Skip, Seq Start or Seq Length.
    Occasionally I manage to activate the DIRECTION button by hitting it repeatedly twice, but this is certainly not how it should work.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Ulrich, it sounds like you have the BCR hardware bug. Please also read this:


    Thanks Christian.
    This is bad news, but well.
    It was worth a try and the unit looked good so far.

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