firmware 1.04 too much midi messages ??

Home Forums Bug Reports firmware 1.04 too much midi messages ??

This topic contains 5 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 8 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4741
    Avatar of chnouf

    Hi there,

    Since i’ve put the last firmware, i have some trouble with my Zaq: some cut in the sound, randomly without particular logic , i guess it’s probably a midi message problem… does anyone got the same problem ? Can I go back to the old firmware?? thks

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi chnouf,
    thanks for submitting your bug report!
    Is this happening especially when you make a lot of use of the ratcheting/delay feature?
    You write that you´re using 1.04, but there have been two follow-up bugfixing updates. The most recent version is 1.042. You should be able go back to a previous version (1.03 or earlier) without problems, just download them from your account and send them via sysex to the BCR. I always advise to backup existing patterns via SysEx first, just to make sure.

    Avatar of chnouf

    All apologizes.

    It was a sync problem with ableton live. Not a sequenceur problem. i go back to the 1.42 version

    Anyway people, u can downgrade the firmawre without problem, just think to save your global presets.

    Thanks again Christian !

    Avatar of chnouf

    NOt ! still the same problem..arrgghhh don t know what s happen. It’s not a problem of Dealy /racheting beacuase i don’t use them yet

    Avatar of chnouf

    Definitly not a zaq problem ! everything ok now ..sorry !

    Avatar of Christian

    Ok, great to hear! Thanks for reporting back here. Cheers!

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