Please help can’t get synth and drums to sync with zaquencer

Home Forums Support Please help can’t get synth and drums to sync with zaquencer

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Avatar of Alex Alex 4 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #7120
    Avatar of Alex

    Hi, I am new to midi and zaquencer. I have zaquencer, Behringer neutron and drumbrute. I have the zaquencer midi out —>Midi in neutron —> midi thru neutron —>drumbrute midi in. I have the zaquencer and the drumbrute synced. But I can’t get the drumbrute to play sounds using the Zaquencers sequencer. The same with the neutron, I can not get any sound to play through the Zaquencers steps. I have the neutron set to channel one and the drumbrute set to channel 2. When I press the stop start button on ch 2 on the zaquencer, the drumbrute plays the pattern that I have loaded. I am not sure what I am doing incorrectly. Can someone please help? Thanks!

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