received 2 new bcr2000s with slight changes

Home Forums Music and Audio Production received 2 new bcr2000s with slight changes

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    Avatar of fabi

    i’ve had two bcr2000s for almost as long as they’ve been on the market.

    i remember someone on here saying that their recently puchased bcr2000 does not have BEHRINGER embossed on the side panels anymore. i can confirm this, just received two brand-new units and neither has the logo on the side panels.

    also i have noticed that the little LCD screen seems to be more ‘inside’ the unit if you now what i means. seems that there is a little space between plastic/glass and the screen itself.

    i hope they function identically apart from these two minor differences to my older models.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i dont see behringer making 2 copies of the firmware to run on different machines… i think youre ok

    Avatar of Christian

    we have different BCRs here ranging from 10 years ago to the most recent ones. they are all slightly different in appearance but I can confirm that they all work the same.
    I was really surprised when I recently saw the first BCR without the embossed side-panels. I wouldn´t have thought that Behringer would make a big design change like this anymore… cool, though!

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