Scale mode & note length

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 4 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #7310
    Avatar of richard

    1/ When I save/store a pattern/s and I have set the tracks up with a scale i.e A# major is the set scale saved/stored as well.
    2/ Is there any way of seeing how the notes on the encoders are changed to fit that scale i.e scale is set to A# major, a note is set to E which is not part of that scale, will it be changed up to the next note in the set scale i.e F or down to D# ?
    3/ Is there anyway to “tie” steps together to make a continuous drone or long bass note say across 8 steps, as if I have kept my finger on the keyboard of say a keystep connected to a Volca bass for example.
    Kind Regards

    Avatar of Christian


    sorry I must have missed your post.

    1/ the scale setting is global over all patterns. you can permanently apply a scale to a single pattern and store it to flash. this allows for different scales between patterns. please see the manual p.21-22 for how this works

    2/ no, there is no way that the current scale change is being visualized

    3/ the note length setting allows for really long notes, doesn´t this do what you need?
    other than that, I guess it would rather be a setting in a synth, how it handles overlapping notes

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