Sysex dumps of saved patterns?

Home Forums Feature Wishlist Sysex dumps of saved patterns?

This topic contains 27 replies, has 15 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of htk htk 9 years, 7 months ago.

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    Avatar of Zymos

    It would be great to be able to back up and restore our patterns.
    And then maybe someone could create a PC librarian!

    Also, if you ever wanted to switch back and forth with the Behringer firmware, you could restore your patterns.

    Avatar of Stefan

    I second this request.

    Avatar of Lerosa

    SysEx dump of all patterns would be very handy.

    Avatar of ordevaks

    same here

    Avatar of rempesm

    That would be really helpful when working on different projects and certainly useful if my somewhat haggard unit ever decides to completely die on me.

    Avatar of Citric

    yes a pattern dump will be nice.

    Avatar of alien_brain


    and an accompanying win/mac software to convert to/from midi? haha people would eat it up!

    ^^^ just kidding about that part

    • This reply was modified 10 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain.
    Avatar of Tom

    I concur, this would be very useful.

    Avatar of Zymos

    Zaq- any hopes of this being implemented?

    Avatar of Omnichordman

    Sysex dump is a must!
    Imagine your sequences get dumped with every serious firmware update…
    and of course this enables to switch back and forth between Zaq and BCR.

    Avatar of Christian

    This feature is number 1 on our internal want-list.
    I´ve run into technical difficulties when receiving very long sysex messages before, but there might, *might* be a fix on the horizon. So, at the moment I can´t say if this will be possible, but I can tell you that I am working on this with the highest priority right now.

    Avatar of Zymos

    Good to hear, thanks.

    Avatar of paul

    Hi, i’ve not yet installed the firmware and was wondering whether to hold off in case by doing so there might be a change coming which will allow all of my creations to be backed up.

    I assume it’s right to say that any update which allowed backups would require existing pstterns to be lost in order to install it? Is there some other way of backing up patterns people use eg playing through some midi sequencing software on the computer?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i have reciorded the output of zaquencer to my mpc… im sure you could do it with any full spec midi sequencer.

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Paul,
    thanks for voicing your concern.
    Now that the 1.01 has been released I will pick up working on the SysEx export feature again but it will be some time until I can confirm that it´ll succeed (see above in this thread).

    But you can rest assured that adding the SysEx feature and installing that update in the future will not break your existing patterns, just like installing the 1.01 didn´t.

    There might be an update in the far future that changes the way patterns are organised internally and that would break them, but I will first try to finish the export.
    Also if an update would break the patterns, I would issue a big warning in the newsletter etc.

    Alien´s approach is much recommended in the meantime, to record your musical patterns as raw midi data into a DAW or similar. You won´t easily get them back into the Zaquencer (except with using Tap Write mode, which might be a pain because it doesn´t register all the parameters like Note Length Delay etc..), but at least you have a backup of your music.

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