Using one track to transpose another

Home Forums Support Using one track to transpose another

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Christian Christian 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Avatar of Rafael

    Hey hey, love my zaquencer and wanted to see if I could play with sequenced transposition from one track to another.

    Is there a way to use one track to transpose another? eg. Track 1 has a sequence running and track 2 is sending midi notes to transpose Track 1 in a sequence.


    Avatar of Christian

    Hi Rafael,
    yeah this should work with the rerouting feature that was introduced with version 1.5.
    For the transposing track you choose “In” in the Midi Out settings from the Global Menu. This will mirror the output back to the input of the BCR internally. For the rest of the configuration, I’ve described the process here:

    This refers to an old version and still says to use a cable from out to in. You can omit this by using the rerouting feature as described above.

    Avatar of Rafael

    Great, thanks! I think i have it working now. It seems that the transposing track is also subject to the global scale function as well, which would mean that I wouldn’t be able to transpose across all 12 semitones unless the global scale function is off, is that correct? Is there a workaround if that’s the case?

    Thanks again!

    Avatar of Christian

    Great that it worked! Aaah yes you´re right. That question hasn´t popped up so far. True, the scale function is global and would also affect the transposing track, so you cannot hit the semitones as transpose steps that do not belopng to the scale.

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