I actually just logged back into the forum today because I’m dreaming of a Zaq for the BCF. Here is my idea, model it on the Intellijel Metropolis (which is based on the RYK M-185). First of all for everybody who is obsessed with having a million steps and song mode and memory and all of that nonsense, just forget about it. Imagine this:
So it’s only an 8 step monophonic sequencer. Each fader selects the note for that step. Each encoder sets different parameters for that step including holds, rests, note repeats, etc. The top button rows could be slides or something like that.
So the idea behind this BCF firmware would not be to compete with the original Zaquencer at all. In fact you could clock the BCF from the original Zaq and use both. It would be much less of a master midi control hub and more of an analog style acid techno super sequencer. I think it could be sweet as shit.