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September 25, 2018 at 11:32 am #6474
for me using the release candidate from that other thread works just fine for my purposes.
April 30, 2018 at 3:46 pm #6201@Gerrit: CC wave? it’s for all kinds of parameters on the zaquencer, not just cc. I’m not saying it’s tied to the wave generator, but that it occurred quite frequently when i used it, especially with ratcheting and delay (just a guess, actually).
Since we’ve sort of established that hanging notes do occur, it’s actually quite likely that it’ll happen when using the wave generator, too. Emphasis on the too.
Btw, sort of off-topic, Gerrit, are you the guy behind the rk-002? If yes, I wrote you an email a few weeks ago, because I was interested in the cable for my volca fm. However, since I’m not entirely dawless anyway, I’ve cooked up/asked/searched about for a software solution and found three that work for me, so for the time being I won’t be getting an rk-002.
although it’s good to know that it works with the zaquencer.
April 30, 2018 at 10:34 am #6197okay, so i’ve installed 1.51 on one of my zaquencers and the note off command works fine, but for now i haven’t had a reason to use it, as i haven’t encountered any hanging notes, anymore…
must have been something in the old patterns i was using. i used to use the wave generator a lot to create notes on the zaq and mostly it happened when i did that. i kinda stopped using it because of that for the time being.
might have to try doing that again to see if i encounter any hanging notes. so far none…
April 22, 2018 at 2:36 pm #6189will try out the new beta RC 1.51 soon. i get hanging notes on various synths and softsynths quite frequently, never quite knew whether it was because of my zaquencers or my usb2midi and audio interfaces.
i will have to do some tests, but i have in the times that i tried my zaquencers with the synplant vst always had a hanging note there, which is why i stopped using synplant for the time being.
ever since i’ve noticed this occuring i kinda wished there were a midi all notes off command on the zaquencer, so I’ll definitely give the new release candidate a spin, to see if that helps…
edit: also thrilled to see that there is still some development going on!
sort of off-topic, but Christian, may I suggest again that something like ‘chain’ flashes briefly in the display when the zaquencer successfully registers a patter chain command for the next version?
some of my buttons only work some of the time or if pressed hard and i sometimes don’t know whether a pattern chain i tried to input actually got registered by my zaquencers…-
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by
November 1, 2017 at 10:29 am #5992Yes, I also eventually figured out how it works after not having used drum tracks in the past one and a half years…
However, it seems like a bug or other strange behavior that for some users not all steps are unmuted by default… maybe a carry-over from when it was a chord track. Not sure.
I didn’t have only the muted steps, but also playing drum instruments that I hadn’t yet programmed. Very strange indeed. ^^However, holding the note mute and turning an encoder works just fine… be it for the main steps or for the drum instruments.
October 1, 2017 at 7:33 pm #5958Not sure, but your firmware is not up to date. 1.5 is the latest…
October 1, 2017 at 6:29 pm #5957Could also have been muted steps. At least that happened to me the other day and threw me off.
October 1, 2017 at 5:58 pm #5955So is it still in production nowadays?
September 27, 2017 at 11:10 am #5952Hi Christian,
I got it mostly figured out by now. I re-read the manual and now I can communicate with my drumsynth.I still don’t know why there are notes in my drum instruments. Could they be a carry-over from when the track was a chord track?
It’s not a big issue, though, I just mute all instruments and then set the steps as I want them…
Thanks for the help.
August 20, 2016 at 6:36 pm #5024Prodipe MIDI to USB works, too.
And I have a standard no-label thomann MIDI to USB that works as well.
Plus my Novation nio2/4 interface works with the zaquencers.
July 2, 2016 at 10:20 am #4904i’ve already installed 1.5 on both my zaquencers. thinking about getting a third one. still have two new bcr2000 lying around.
on hardware i’m using with the zaquencers it’s currently the korg volca bass and keys and the waldorf rocket.
thinking about getting the arturia microbrute or novation mininova in addition. or the waldorf streichfett. not sure, yet.
This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by
January 30, 2015 at 3:39 pm #2094i also saw that. i wrote about it in another thread somewhere. i even sent an email to behringer, but they didn’t answer my question.
i got 4 bcr now. 2 zaquencers and 2 MIDI controllers.January 19, 2015 at 8:05 pm #2035i am not sure i understand what you are saying. it seems it stops note length to 2?
i get 4 bars maximum note length on the zaquencer, running firmware 1.01…
January 19, 2015 at 4:47 pm #2027well, my dad told me a few days ago that my christmas present had finally arrived. that was supposed to be a bcr2000. i hope it is….. don’t want no bcf.
and as mentioned above, you can still find them here, just not at thomann at all, anymore. strange. usually they just go ‘not in store right now’ and don’t outright delete the product page.
January 19, 2015 at 4:36 pm #2024looks like i was wrong. thomann still lists them, too. must have made a typo, or they took the bcr 2000 site offline to edit the price – cause it’s now €149 there, as well.
EDIT: looks like i was right after all. thomann doesn’t list it anymore. does this point towards behringer stopping to build them and them becoming ‘vintage’ sought-after controllers?
This reply was modified 10 years, 1 month ago by
This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by