high pitched noise

Home Forums Bug Reports high pitched noise

This topic contains 41 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4664
    Avatar of B


    when using the zaquencer with poly synths (in my case micro q and fb01) after an unspecified period of time i get a high pitched tone which continues after the zaquencer is stopped (when midi thru off. if midi thru is filtered then the noise stops with the zaquencer). i have reflashed the firmware and reinitialised the zaquencer. i will try with an older version now to see if that makes a difference.


    Avatar of ukk1337


    i experienced exactly the same a while ago when using the zaquencer with a shruthi and also when using massive-vst. the only way to stop that noise was to power off the shruthi. i only use the midi-out of the zaquencer, so i didn’t played around with the midi-thru options.
    i’ll try to repoduce this issue while monitoring midi-traffic.

    Avatar of Christian

    The only thing I could imagine right now is if there was a very high note being accidentally generated but no note off following. Do you have some hints how this happened? Like when using a lot of chords, or the arpeggiator etc.? It would be great if you could reproduce this behaviour or send some patterns/global settings as .syx to support@zaqaudio.com. I will be looking into it here as well.

    Avatar of Schneefels

    I had the same issue with a roland jp08 connected. A very high frequency noise. Only switching off and on the synth helps. I had three instruments on one output, unfiltered and thru enabled – lots of data. Now the jp08 is the single device on output b, filtered, thru enabled, no problem anymore.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by Avatar of Schneefels Schneefels.
    Avatar of Christian

    Thanks for chiming in! It seems that this affects more people.
    Do you have a feeling when it might occur? Like, are you using the scale feature? A lot of chords? How high or low are the notes of your sequence?

    I have already looked into the issue here, but was not able to produce it so far. I have also looked into the code creating noteOn/noteOffs but for now it seems solid. From looking at the code I could not imagine a scenario where there is a noteOn created, but no appropriate noteOff following.

    I would be very grateful about more information or data about this. I will continue to look into it myself as well.

    I´m thinking of including a panic function as an intermediate remedy (sending noteOff on all notes when pressing a button).

    Avatar of Christian

    Ah ok, thanks for editing your post with more data! From the first post and yours, it sounds like this might have something to do with the thru+filter settings. Will look into that next.

    Avatar of Schneefels

    Hi Christian, today I had again a note-hanger, not high-pitch but somewhere in the mids. And something came to my mind: the synth I had formerly problems with is now directly connected to the zaq (no problems anymore), the synth of todays problem is behind a thru-box. So far I had the problem only on synths which were behind that thru-box. It is a cheap meditech box http://miditech.de/de-248-produkte-midithru. So we should probably ask B and UKK if they had also a midi-chain with a thru box in it. Maybe a small hint to circle out the problem.

    Second thought: panic function

    Yes, it could be very helpfull, but it should be ‘smart’. My idea is that it sends the off-signal to every track at a different step. If we think of two quarter notes (1 e + e 2 e + e)I suggest to send the first off at 1e, second at 1e+, third at 1e+e and fourth at 2e. With that pattern the kickdrum will remain (speaking of EDM) and in a live performance you just add some randomness with the panic function, but not a complete blackout on one step.

    It would be nice to hear other opinions on that, that is just what went through my mind today (thru-box-panic)

    KR JAN

    Avatar of Nathaniel d Buckner
    Nathaniel d Buckner

    So I thought this was my synth! I’m having this exact same issue. When behind a thru box I get a high pitched note.

    I’ll try directly connecting to see if I can reproduce the issue as J.A.B. says above.


    Avatar of Christian

    Thanks J.A.B. and Nathaniel for your comments! Can you all who experienced this with a thru box please mention the brand&type of the box like J.A.B. did? I´d like to see if there´s a pattern. Also, please holler if you haven´t used a thru box (and no other midi through path – synth directly connected to the Zaquencer) and still experienced this. Thanks!

    Edit: I just realized that the Miditech Midi Thru has a panic button. That seems an odd thing to incorporate into a through box, except you´re expecting anomalities?

    Avatar of Nathaniel d Buckner
    Nathaniel d Buckner

    I’m using the MIDIThru. I built it myself! It’s very stable with my beatstep.


    I have an extra one if anyone wants it!

    Avatar of erwan Bz✨
    erwan Bz✨

    I did get the high pitch noise, with daisy-chaining.
    I now use a Yamaha YME8 Midi Expander and haven’t heard the glitch anymore. Will keep you posted if I do.

    Avatar of B

    Hi, yeah, i encountered the issue originally when daisy-chaining the micro q and waldorf rocket. i have been trying to repeat the problem on the q alone, and have not been able to so far. i have however had unexpected high notes occasionally, but they haven’t hung as in previous instances.

    Avatar of Schneefels

    Yes same with me, very short high pitch noise now. Not hanging.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 9 months ago by Avatar of Schneefels Schneefels.
    Avatar of Christian

    When you say high pitched noise you mean tonal note noise, right (as opposed to white/pink noise)? Are you guys using the scale feature when this happens?

    Avatar of erwan Bz✨
    erwan Bz✨

    yes just one high note that hangs in forever until you reset the program on the synth.
    nope not necessarily using the scale feature.

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