high pitched noise

Home Forums Bug Reports high pitched noise

This topic contains 41 replies, has 14 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of fabi fabi 6 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #6121
    Avatar of Panason

    I ‘m pretty sure I was also editing chords when this happened… It’s a bit of a pain and I’m thinking to sell the Zaq since my BCR knobs are starting to play up and I just don’t like the pastic clunkiness of the thing.

    Maybe we need to reach out to Uli Behringer (he hangs out at gearlsutz forums apparently) and ask him to re-make the BCR with better quality knobs and a metal case…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Avatar of Panason Panason.
    Avatar of Gerrit

    I enclosed the BCR2000 in a custom panel quite soon (RK2000) because the original design is indeed eherm… an acquired taste…. I also changed every encoder to solid detent-encoders but I would not recommend it to anyone because the BCR2000 PCB traces are just too feeble to survive properly. However: I now have the sequencer I want (apart from the note hanging…)

    As I understand Zaquencer has already been demod to Behringer but they were not interested?

    Avatar of Panason

    What are the detented encoders you used? I know a highly qualified service tech who can do the job…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 12 months ago by Avatar of Panason Panason.
    Avatar of Panason

    As I understand Zaquencer has already been demod to Behringer but they were not interested?

    Ah… no suprise there. I doubt they even understood what the use for such a device would be.
    Howevever, Uli himself can be reached and he’s supposedly a synth enthusiast.

    Avatar of Gerrit

    but – coming back to the extra note-on without note-off bug. I do not have it only when sending chords. Now it happens too when editing note height on a pattern. I use a sequencer start on step 4 and end it on step 8 and suddenly it appears again.

    Actually at the rate these note hangs are happening I’m surprised Christian has not experienced it, I really hope it is not a hardware quirk….

    Avatar of Christian

    Hi guys,
    ok I have uploaded the beta version with the “all note off” functionality here:
    Just like the regular versions, this will only work if your Zaquencer is already authorized of course.

    With this version, you can press “page < " and "page >” simultaneously and the Zaquencer will then send all note offs for the midi channels of the 4 tracks (not all 16 midi channels as that would have been too much traffic and is unnecessary).

    I know this is a workaround, but I hope that this will help with the “stuck note bug”.

    Avatar of erwan Bz✨
    erwan Bz✨

    thanks for the beta! (any other features included? ;)

    FYI I had the hanging note at the beginning of using the zaq, and haven’t had it since around the time of updgrading to 1.5. I use the zaq pretty much every day.


    Avatar of andre

    Hi Christian, thanks so much for the beta. I sometimes have hanging notes, but it’s not a big problem. I’m having a lot of fun with my Zaquencer. Keep up the good work :-)

    Avatar of fabi

    will try out the new beta RC 1.51 soon. i get hanging notes on various synths and softsynths quite frequently, never quite knew whether it was because of my zaquencers or my usb2midi and audio interfaces.

    i will have to do some tests, but i have in the times that i tried my zaquencers with the synplant vst always had a hanging note there, which is why i stopped using synplant for the time being.

    ever since i’ve noticed this occuring i kinda wished there were a midi all notes off command on the zaquencer, so I’ll definitely give the new release candidate a spin, to see if that helps…

    edit: also thrilled to see that there is still some development going on!

    sort of off-topic, but Christian, may I suggest again that something like ‘chain’ flashes briefly in the display when the zaquencer successfully registers a patter chain command for the next version?
    some of my buttons only work some of the time or if pressed hard and i sometimes don’t know whether a pattern chain i tried to input actually got registered by my zaquencers…

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 10 months ago by Avatar of fabi fabi.
    Avatar of fabi

    okay, so i’ve installed 1.51 on one of my zaquencers and the note off command works fine, but for now i haven’t had a reason to use it, as i haven’t encountered any hanging notes, anymore…

    must have been something in the old patterns i was using. i used to use the wave generator a lot to create notes on the zaq and mostly it happened when i did that. i kinda stopped using it because of that for the time being.

    might have to try doing that again to see if i encounter any hanging notes. so far none…

    Avatar of Gerrit

    I don’t think it’s the CC wave, never used it and had the problem pretty frequently. I do however switch pattern length a lot on the fly, 32 steps, 3 steps, 16steps, etc…

    Avatar of fabi

    @Gerrit: CC wave? it’s for all kinds of parameters on the zaquencer, not just cc. I’m not saying it’s tied to the wave generator, but that it occurred quite frequently when i used it, especially with ratcheting and delay (just a guess, actually).

    Since we’ve sort of established that hanging notes do occur, it’s actually quite likely that it’ll happen when using the wave generator, too. Emphasis on the too. ;)

    Btw, sort of off-topic, Gerrit, are you the guy behind the rk-002? If yes, I wrote you an email a few weeks ago, because I was interested in the cable for my volca fm. However, since I’m not entirely dawless anyway, I’ve cooked up/asked/searched about for a software solution and found three that work for me, so for the time being I won’t be getting an rk-002.

    although it’s good to know that it works with the zaquencer. :)

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