What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

Home Forums Music and Audio Production What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

This topic contains 69 replies, has 32 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Majonymus Majonymus 8 years, 1 month ago.

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    Avatar of alien_brain

    so far i have had a great time making patterns for my shruthi-1, and controlling zaquencer with my mpc 1000 and jjos2xl. i think there are some very nice arrangement methods to be explored here. i havent tried controlling the internal mpc sampler from zaquencer, thats the next step. might be pretty good for constructing some amazing rhythm tracks!

    whats working for you?

    Avatar of Zymos

    I’m clocking it all from Ableton, which is running assorted VSTs. I’m also sequencing a Blofeld, and playing along using a Korg M3, which is also playing some beats.

    Avatar of ViaCirca

    I’m sequencing a omega 8, moog Minataur, Casio vz-10m, using a drum track with a Kawai xd-5, and syncing an Electribe esx-1. So much fun with this in the center of it all.

    Avatar of Citric

    Till now i used it with a Nordlead2x, a Poly61 Midi, Tetra and a jx3p. and a Virus classic. i have mutch mre to use but thats tooo mutch for here.

    I must say this combination is very nice, at the moment i make a lot of Detroit style and EM style. So for this 2 dif. Styles it is a verry. cool sequencer.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    i looked at that casio vz-10m and wow what a synth!

    Avatar of Juan José
    Juan José

    Zaq 1 & 2 -> Korg MS2000BR
    Zaq 3 -> iPad+Bearmaker (mainly drums)
    Zaq 4 -> MFB Urzwerg -> Korg MS20
    BeatStep -> Zaq (clock, as BS only can be master without computer)
    BeatStep -> Korg Mono/Poly

    Avatar of Zymos

    For a second I thought you had 4 of them, then I realized what you meant!

    Avatar of Juan José
    Juan José

    Seems I have a ‘Bear Maker’ too :P

    Avatar of alien_brain

    do you mean ‘beatmaker’?

    i gotta say that this is more fun than using any step sequencer in iOS

    Avatar of Stefan

    I just jumped into the Zaquencer fun today and currently let my Waldorf Rocket give a fat analog bass groove foundation for my Nord Lead 2. Multitracking and offsetting sequences on the fly is already much fun after a few hours of getting used to the firmware. Next on I will give my Blofeld a try for some weird off-beats, hehe. New polyrythmic figures are appearing all the time already.
    Christian, this has so much potential – great job, all is laid out well. The whole concept and preperation of support material, web page and so on – it’s well worth the investment.
    Thanks for this great acchievement.
    Now I need a drum machine to be totally independent from switching on my laptop…

    Avatar of Lerosa

    Slaved to a Rs7000 for clock, I use it to sequence a nordlead2 rack. I’m more used to tap/play my notes in so step sequencing is quite novel, great for that EBM or tangerine dream sort of programming, very solid sequencer.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    zaquencer allows realtime keyboard input.

    Avatar of Jeremy

    Zaq Track 1 Chords mode = DSI Tetra
    Zaq Track 2 Drum mode = Teenage OP1 drums / Preen FM2 :v
    Zaq Tr 3 Chords = microkorg
    Zaq Tr 4 Drum = MFB 522 (5 inst) + SP404 (11 inst./sples)

    Slaved to the OP1 for clock (tape mode) and i record midi tracks on a good old Roland MC 5O sequencer (useful for arrangement editing, additional tracks from keyboard play & channel transpose, so that i don’t have to modify globals on the zaquencer).No computer involved.

    I do have fun. :-)

    Avatar of Christian

    Zaq Tr 4 Drum = MFB 522 (5 inst) + SP404 (11 inst./sples)

    Nice one, you are sharing the drumtrack between two drummachines.
    This is what I´ve tried to describe here: https://zaqaudio.com/forums/topic/hook-up-more-drummachines-to-the-same-track

    Avatar of Jeremy

    yep, thx, exactly ! i used to do this with my MC50 sequencer, allowing several instruments on the rythm track (but that was far less flexible than the zaquencer…)

    (I meant MFB503 and not 522, i would probably have 7 inst. on a 522. Because claps matter. And we need more cowbell, don’t we ?)

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