What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

Home Forums Music and Audio Production What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

This topic contains 69 replies, has 32 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Majonymus Majonymus 8 years, 1 month ago.

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  • #4884
    Avatar of alien_brain

    a shruthi hack puts better oscillators at your finger tips… really does sound exceptionally better… makes me wanna use it more now.


    and for ambika


    Avatar of beat spichtig
    beat spichtig

    thx Christian, for the update to 1.5. just had a look at the cdm video. looking forward to installing. cheers from vienna. beat

    Avatar of fabi

    i’ve already installed 1.5 on both my zaquencers. thinking about getting a third one. still have two new bcr2000 lying around.

    on hardware i’m using with the zaquencers it’s currently the korg volca bass and keys and the waldorf rocket.

    thinking about getting the arturia microbrute or novation mininova in addition. or the waldorf streichfett. not sure, yet. :)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 8 months ago by Avatar of fabi fabi.
    Avatar of CARBILICON

    Hello my name is Carbilicon.
    With my Zaquencer, I’m using a YAMAHA PSS480, TECHNOSAURUS MICROCON 2, NOVATION XStation 49. Digital, analog and FM in a nice little rig in the studio where I’ve historically made psychedelic techno-trance…

    Avatar of Nick

    Hi, after getting a BCR2000 & the firmware sometime ago, finally got round to having a go on it. Gotta say so far I’m really impressed – seems really intuitive & fun to use. Much prefering it DAW based sequencing. Great work Christian, thanks! ☺
    Current hardware setup that I intend to use:
    Waldorf Pulse 1
    Oberheim Matrix 1000
    Freebass FB383
    Novation Bass Station 2
    Yamaha RM50 percussion module
    Novation Drum Station
    Lexicon MX4000 reverb

    So far had a play around using few bits of my gear (drumstation,pulse, BSII) all works great ☺…but was wondering if it’s possible to utilise all my equipment with one Zaquencer, with midi thru boxes – have more than one midi channel set up on each track?
    Or do I need another Zaquencer to control all the above i.e. a track per each synth module?
    Greatful for any advice.
    Many thanks Nick

    Avatar of alien_brain

    each track is set up for 1 chanel and is a monophonic sequence for all intents and purposes

    Avatar of Nick

    Thanks for clarification Alien Brain ☺…Gonna have to get another Zaquencer then! ☺…Wish I’d discovered this prior to last discount offer!

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of Nick Nick.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by Avatar of Nick Nick.
    Avatar of Yorgos Tsakiridis
    Yorgos Tsakiridis


    re-did this track using the Zaquencer, TR626, Volca Keys, Moog Model 15, iMini, Patterning, … and recorded through a little behringer mixer to an old Akai tape machine as you can see in the video

    Avatar of Meme Biscotto
    Meme Biscotto

    Hello All.

    I’m a rookie on Zaquencer.. For the moment I try to manage the drums, samples and synth sequences for a psycho-rock trio (with two singers and guitarists. )

    So my set up would be :

    Zaquencer as master-of-it-all : clock out, footswitch to change pattern, not much live pattern modification…

    - Korg VOlca Beats (would need lot of CC control for samples rate and parts level), Yamaha RX-21 for drums .. maybe on the same track ( velocity applies on yamaha, but not on volca) .. but would be cool to keep one midi control on this track for ratcheting drum notes…..

    Problem : only 16 instruments avalaible on one drum track when it would have been great to have 19 ( for all the instruments of the two drumbox)

    _ Microgranny 2 for noise, lo fi drums and bleeps samples with dedicateds CC controls (would need extra CC tracks sending from other tracks) …

    - MFB microzwerg ( velocity applyed to LFO’s speed, VCA and / or Cutoff, no CC receive)

    - CLavia Nordstage 2 for live playing, send some midi notes to Zaquencer In …And If i succeed to group other gear on same tracks without note overlapping ( for example microgranny and volca on track 2), would be cool to also send some midi notes and after touch to Clavia for some pads…

    To sum up : any hints welcome to use MFB and Yamaha Tracks to get more controls on VOlca and GRanny without midi conflicts :)

    Thanks for your advices.. bye all

    Avatar of Majonymus

    ITs awesome with a akai miniak!!

Viewing 10 posts - 61 through 70 (of 70 total)

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