What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

Home Forums Music and Audio Production What equipment are you using with Zaquencer?

This topic contains 69 replies, has 32 voices, and was last updated by Avatar of Majonymus Majonymus 7 years, 8 months ago.

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    Avatar of TV Treated
    TV Treated

    It seems the minibrute was not receiving a midi clock so it modulated randomly only audible on the muted steps. Ah the joy of working with physical connections :)

    Avatar of Christian

    Long live randomness ;)
    Thanks for clearing that up, I´m happy it wasn´t coming from the Zaquencer.

    Avatar of Matt

    Got my Zaq today :D :D

    At the moment it’s hooked up to:

    Shruthi with a few mods
    Alesis SR-16 (will replace with LXR – finally got money to buy one and sonic potions are on holiday!)
    Audiothingies P6

    I build boutique effects pedals, so I have a whole bunch of effects, I think 4 delays, couple of reverbs and a phaser. Building a few different overdrives and distortions at the moment.

    Still have one whole free track and I don’t know what to put there .

    Avatar of Patrick

    I ordered my Zaquencer months ago, but work has kept me quite busy and I finally found the time to install the firmware and get everything hooked up properly last night……had a quick jam, and I’m very excited for the live performance possibilities of this great unit!

    I will be using my Zaquencer to control/sequence various combinations of the following gear:

    Roland TR-8
    Korg Volca Beats
    Korg Volca Bass
    Korg Volca Keys (x2)
    Korg Volca Sample
    Arturia Microbrute
    Waldorf Streichfett

    Avatar of Majonymus

    a boss dr202 and a volca bass, im lookin for a fm synth a mpdx8 and maybe more drums

    the boss really need external seq

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    preenFM2 might suit you.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    sssssshhh thats a secret weapon! ;)

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    Er yes! What I meant to say was record a 4-track of yourself reading the news through a kazoo. There is no better FM synth. Ahem…

    Avatar of Majonymus

    thank you!! i was checking a novation nova but seems to have problematic psus and other things with a beeper while editing, that one seems rly nice

    Avatar of Just Friday
    Just Friday

    I have a novation nova, and using it with à zaquencer. The only problem is that I’ll have to buy a second zaquencer for him only(in multimode, it is a six timbres synth… But the arp is so expressive you can trig one note and from the zaq and obtain very different variations from timbre to timbre as the arp settings can be very different from a preset to another…)
    It is a very good machine to the price point. If you want to dive, go, the soundsynthesis possibility are really wide and the stuff is really versatile (the arp, the 2 auxiliary inputs…)
    But those machines start to be old. You have tto find the occasion.
    The bleep is not so strong (but you can unsolder it if you want.).
    Well… You assumed I love mine ;)

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 11 months ago by Avatar of Just Friday Just Friday.
    Avatar of Drox

    some great setups and videos

    Avatar of Carl

    Hi Everyone, I am the new proud owner of a Zaquencer but I do not yet have it installed (I got a bum BCR2000 and had to return).

    Anyways I do own a Microkorg and a SP404sx. I am looking forward to using the sampler as the drumki, does anyone else here have experience using the zaquencer and the SP ?

    Avatar of alien_brain

    not i but it sounds like a great combo. zaquencer and just about anything with midi in is a great combo…

    Avatar of Tommy Down
    Tommy Down

    I like your thinking AB. Figuring out an echoplex proplus mit Zaq at the moment.

    Avatar of alien_brain

    at the moment im using zaquencer to flip my preenfm2 around… they just updated it with all the important LFO parameters controllable over cc :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    edit: so far this is the most awesome FM synth companion to zaquencer that i know of. it just doesnt have any feedback loops in the synth architecture but that doesnt stop it from being the most unique FM hardware i know of.

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by Avatar of alien_brain alien_brain.
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