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March 5, 2016 at 8:28 pm #4227
Good news! Thanks v much Christian
Are you going to swoop through the feature requests giving them the good news like last time?February 1, 2016 at 9:59 pm #3785I like your thinking AB. Figuring out an echoplex proplus mit Zaq at the moment.
January 26, 2016 at 7:57 am #3764AB stands for send on output A and output B. When selecting you should be able to rotate through A then B then AB.
Have a go on each of the track setting encoders. If you can’t select each of the 3 settings for all 4 tracks then perhaps there is something wrong with the encoder knob.
Glad the other detecting bore fruit. See you next week! Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!
January 23, 2016 at 4:42 pm #3752This has happened to me but only because I had left a default track routed to the same synth as my sequence track.
Its made worse when your synth is set to ‘omni’ and is set to receive on all MIDI channels. It can take a while to track back what is on what channel.
You can check by setting all but one track to output to the B socket and attach one synth directly to the A socket. If the mysterious default notes disappear then you only have to worry about your MIDI plumbing. Sometimes MIDI thru combined with a synth receiving on all channels can be a right pain.
I’ve given up and resorted to little coloured stickers
Less time cursing cables equals more time jigging around to obnoxious beats!
December 8, 2015 at 6:25 pm #3627Even when you slow it down by changing the note length of the ratcheted step?
Definately +1 on additional arp shapes. The old Mutable instruments had good arpeggios. The Arpie, and Groovesizer range too for examples. All open source.
December 5, 2015 at 11:43 am #3610yes you can set program changes via the MIDI control knobs.
Have you managed to create any response in the Polaris from the zaq?
Program changes are normally just that, changes. Sent once to change the program, not maintain it. Are you able to change the program from the Polaris instead?
I’be tried sending program changes from the zaq repeatedly and the attached synth didn’t like it very much.Like telling someone to turn left over and over. You mean it once, but the message is repeated, causing paralysis or pirouettes!
December 1, 2015 at 2:11 pm #3586gah! i can’t get links to work. I searched for ‘chords intervals piano’ and clicked on the link to Chords – Roots & Intervals/ maj, min, aug, dim, sus, 7ths. It was the 7th one down.
(sheepish)oh now it works…
(really sheepish)
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Tommy Down.
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This reply was modified 9 years, 3 months ago by
Tommy Down.
December 1, 2015 at 2:10 pm #3585December 1, 2015 at 2:04 pm #3584Actually the 1.04 chord additions are good for counterpoint. 2 notes separated by an increasing amount of semitones. It’d be nice to have 3 4 and 5 note versions.
Is there a mathematical layout of chords and their separation of semitones? Something like the xy drum pattern grid on mutable instruments? Perhaps X is number up to five notes in the chord and Y is the intervals, etc. Beyond X=6 perhaps you could repeat but with various minor major and extra or modified intervals and inversions.
Similar to erwans shredsheet.
Perhaps X=0 could be a user selection of chrords from the lookup table for easy live access.
In response to alienbrain, when I first noticed the chords on zaquencer I made a choral sample set, female at C3 and above, male below then messed about with some chord sequences. choralcore! You heard it first here!
Or rather… bwah-hahahaah!!
November 30, 2015 at 6:08 pm #3577Nice work erwan!
Any chance of implementing Coltrane changes? and…. counterpoint a la Moondog?
I can’t seem to make links from mobile but search for these on wiki. Some progressions would be very very delicious.
November 29, 2015 at 8:57 pm #3570I’m afraid the field is not as empty as you think. The zaq is in a world of its own for now but a lot of people are starting to produce hardware MIDI sequencers for about €400.
The only comparison that I can think of is the MIDIalf but that is entirely DIY and only has one track.
Custom firmware is much easier to manage than DIY.
Not saying I wouldn’t support Christian’s future hardware exploits but the closer you get to €500 the more competition is out there.
November 20, 2015 at 6:47 pm #3514Hi if you want to retain variation in the zaq why not just apply a random waveshape to your values set to ‘add’. Random waveshapes can be applied to most values so you should what you’re looking for
November 6, 2015 at 8:37 pm #3471Hello,
Short answer is my problem has been solved by the custom firmware elves at LXR HQ, my zaq can now happily control my LXR. The LXR onboard sound no longer respond to note off messages – but does transmit them thru for onwards sequencing.
Long answer is the LXR responds to both ‘note on’ (obviously) and ‘note off’. This is a problem because overlapping notes on one drum track creates a choking effect as the ‘note off’ interferes with the drum sound envelope triggered by the ‘note on’.
Even if I increase the note length beyond the next note on the note off still chokes the sound.
The solution is to either to allow prevention of note off at the source (hence my request) or modify the LXR (which is what has happened).
My limited experience of hardware drum synths is that they like to be triggered as opposed to ADSRed. Sometimes the note off is read as an additional trigger – sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad.November 3, 2015 at 6:12 pm #3437Er yes! What I meant to say was record a 4-track of yourself reading the news through a kazoo. There is no better FM synth. Ahem…
November 3, 2015 at 1:36 pm #3434preenFM2 might suit you.
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